G3WVG g3wvg at lycos.co.uk
Mon Jan 12 17:15:35 EST 2004

Hiya Gang

248 QSOs

!st Hour........97

TS930 + Quadra (loaned kindly by G3TXF...... fellow 3 A's Club member )
Dipole at about 60 feet.......ends sloping down to about 40feet
CT (-lz switch) in WPX mode.

I felt activity was down this year ...It didn't seem as crowded as usual.  Quite a few (narrow!) gaps in the band, especially in the last hour.  A slower start for me than other years....activity or conditions?  .I don't know.......

Highlights ..Working a G1, M3, MM3 ,G6, G7 and a GW8 ! ..
Lowlights ..
a) Stns that miss out the first number of a serial exchange ...e.g. 23 instead of 023 !
b) S and P in the QRS corral .. !
c) the huge burbly signals on the band from neighbours TVs and other electrical devices.
d) my central heating thermostat......(never  triggers except when being called by a QRP stn)
e) the power supplies for the 12 V. Halogen lamps in my kitchen ceiling.

As ever the 3A's club are unlikely to be among the winners .......Well, apart from anything else, there are only three of us!

73  Ian G3WVG

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