Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Mon Jan 26 04:35:46 EST 2004


Was it just me or were HF condx awful over the weekend (damn auroras)? 
  I found the BARTG RTTY really slow going, made 274 but very few US and
 only 1 SA.  I was hoping that 40 would be good around midnight but iit
must have been early closing day on saturday because there was hardly 
anything doing (so I gave up and went to bed).  In contrast you guys on 
the 160 CW seemed to be having a ball!!

After a sleep on sunday afternoon I woke with what must have been 
madness at 20:30 and put up an aerial for 160 and built an ATU (well, 
modified an atu :-) and played the last couple of hours on top band.  
What a blast - I'll do some more of that although next time I'll  
remember to solder the other end of the coil - how it worked I'll never 


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