Smith, Colin R (UK Edinburgh)
colin.r.smith at baesystems.com
Mon Jul 26 07:31:33 EDT 2004
For the first time in several years I wasn't taking part in a Multi-Multi entry for IOTA. Although I have previously
enjoyed entering with GM2T (Tiree EU-008), GM5A (Islay EU-008) and GM4V (Benbecula EU-010) other commitments
meant that I had to be home based this year. Until Thursday evening I wasn't expecting to enter but plans changed
and at the last minute I was able to scrape together a 12hr CW Low Power entry from home for the first half of the
I was never going to set the results table alight as my antennas were a quarter wave 20m wire vertical and a
40m (inverted-V) dipole with the apex at 25ft agl. When the expected auroral conditions (which obviously did
materialise) were added to that I began the contest almost half-heartedly with fairly lowly expectations.
There were some signs of life on 10m early on and I managed to scrape a few QSO's there in the first couple of hours
but otherwise I worked from 15m downwards as the day went on. Conditions on 15m were patchy and 20m too was
quite hard work. I had expected 40m to be a zoo, especially with low power and wires, but it was refreshingly easy
to maintain a moderate rate there. On the other hand, I found 80m particularly hard work,probably due to my antenna
On the whole I used the 40m dipole but the vertical was noticeably better on 10m and 20m at times. A combination
of poor conditions due to the aurora and loosing out in the pile-ups meant that there were very few non-European QSOs
in the log. Disappointingly, the only IOTA Refs I managed outside Europe were YV7QP SA-012 (15M),
5B4AHA AS-004 (15m), and VY2/W1MO NA-029 (20m). So, as already expected, nothing to set the results table
alight but good fun all the same!
Many thanks for the QSO's and good luck to all those submitting an entry. My "unchecked" breakdown follows...
73 Colin (GM0CLN)
Call: GM0CLN Location: EU005
Category: SINGLE-OP 12HOUR CW LOW POWER Power: 100W
Equipment: TS850SAT, 40m Dipole, 20m 1/4 wave vertical
Hours of Operation: 12
Club or Team Name: GMDX GROUP
band CW QSOs CW pts CW muls
80 33 267 15
40 80 492 21
20 66 378 13
15 51 297 13
10 4 24 2
TOTAL 234 1458 64
( 1458 ) QSO points x ( 64 ) multipliers = 93,312 points
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