[UK-CONTEST] CW Letters instead of Numbers

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Wed Jun 2 16:39:46 EDT 2004

My time and Derek's on the HFCC overlap slightly, and just in case 
there's any doubt, the HFCC still does the same. Serial numbers are 
checked, and normally the receiving side is penalised but if we suspect 
the sending side is at fault, then he is penalised and not the receiver.

Dave G4BUO

Derek Thom wrote:

> When I was a members of The RSGB HF Contests Committee (in the 70s and 
> early 80s) we used to do just that - and when we were convinced that the 
> received errors were caused by consistent poor sending we reinstated all 
> the points lost by the "receivers".

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