[UK-CONTEST] NFD antenna......

Ivan Davies g3izd at copperstream.co.uk
Tue Jun 8 04:59:40 EDT 2004

In some amplification to John/WGVs message the basic antenna is an extended double zepp for 20 metres i.e.84ft  C/F with 450 ohm ribbon.This has a theoretical gain of 3dBd normal to the line.I always try to align this 020-200 to put this lobe into EU, this also favours the US of course. FWIW it is made of THICK earthing wire. The LF extenders are each 100 ft, to get the 160 metre current up there.
To my mind 264 ft etc is far too long for the HFs being quite directional. possibly inthe wrong directions.
            73 Ivan,  Contest Cumbria  antenna King ( uncrowned)

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