QSL qsl at zetnet.co.uk
Mon Jun 21 12:48:15 EDT 2004

The message <MCBBILFIBOJAEJJDMDLEMEKLCNAA.g3sjj at btinternet.com>
from "G3SJJ" <g3sjj at btinternet.com> contains these words to which I will
reply, but know there will be other comments....Hi.

> Graham, I don't think that is true. We are all keen to encourage newbies and
> I think that the large majority of operators are willing to slow down to
> accomodate them. I am happy within a speed range of around 15wpm up to
> 45wpm. Either side of that and my concentration collapses. The frustration
> sets in when slower speeds are coupled with inefficient transfer of data.

Glad to hear the first part, and will agree with the second, but add the
caveat that until a 'newbie' becomes more proficient, then they will
'pad'.....I know also that it is not just 'newbies' who do this,
although these days, does one really know if the G3 they are having to
'tolerate' is slow/inefficient because he is a [with respect] 'good old
boy' or has just - at the age of 14 - acquired his Grandfathers old call

> Contesting is about exchange of data. It is not the speed of the data stream
> that concerns me, it is the superfluous junk (a bit like Yahoo) that comes
> with it.

Yahoo's great compared with hitmail [sic]

> A contest exchange with all the trimmings, eg ur rsu ur rst 599 599 001 001
> etc, sent at 18wpm is probably slower in data exchange than a neat 5NN TT1
> sent at 9wpm.

Agreed, but I will throw in one of my other grouses here, and that is
that TT1 is not,never has been, and never will be - in the strictest
terms - a serial number, and unless the op is experienced would not send
it anyway, and if it was thrown at a newbie, he[or she] would panic and
ask for a repeat, thereby wasting even more time.

> Likewise in an SSB contest. A couple of years back I sat with some local ops
> during SSB Field Day and a similar thing happened. A superb opening on 15m
> and these people were running at about 100Q per hour. I kept passing notes
> saying forgot the "Good luck" or "Many, many thanks."  Anyway, why wish
> someone who you have given 560 to and they have given you 002, good luck in
> the contest? They ain't going to put a serious entry in!   Now, without all
> that superfluous data, they could have got the rate up to 120 or 150,
> without any more effort. Just being more efficient. It is so easy!!

Agreed, but sometimes people do remember they have manners <grin>

> Coming back to QRS Corral, again I have no problem in slowing down but why
> not thank me by reducing the garbage? It is so easy!!
> and here is your prize ..... you get more contacts as well.

> A really good negotiation conclusion ... Win-Win.     

Well argued Chris.



73 Graham M5AAV    http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/m5aav/qsl.htm

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