[UK-CONTEST] SD V10.19 Released.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sun Jun 27 18:23:48 EDT 2004

V10.19         27 June 2004

Keyer and Rig Control Ports:
    COM1 to COM8 now supported, to accommodate USB
    to Serial converters.  If you previously used
    LPT1 or LPT2 for CW, you must use the PORTS
    command to select 9 (for LPT1) or 10 (for LPT2).

    CW sidetone has been restored to the Windows
    programs - SD, SDI, SDV and SDX.  It's handy
    for checking memory playback when not connected
    to a radio.

    A CW port must be, or have been, enabled before
    sidetone can be heard.  The SIDETONE command
    toggles audio o/p and the keying o/p - it's one
    or the other, but not both, at any one time.

SDI - IOTA Contest:
    Error in F2 memory playback (the exchange) fixed.

    Fixed SDICHECK - post contest log and analysis.
    Got broken somewhere in the conversion to 

SDR - Rescore Cabrillo and SD Logs.
    SDR accepts a Cabrillo .LOG file or an SD .ALL
    file as input.  This version, 10.19, is robust.
    Earlier versions should be deleted.

    SDR rescores each QSO and identifies dupes and
    multipliers.  It is intended only for contests
    with multipliers and/or with variable points per
    SDR will rescore Cabrillo logs for most contests
    supported by SD, regardless of the program used
    to create the Cabrillo file.  However, it must
    conform to the appropriate QSO template at 
    or, for RSGB contests with district codes, to
    the second template at

    Errors or exceptions, if any, are appended to
    the corresponding records in a newly-created
    .ALL file, and can be inspected with a text
    editor.  They do not affect the ability of SD
    or SDCHECK to load this .ALL file.

    If you get into trouble, you will still have
    your original .LOG file or an .OLD file (a copy
    of your .ALL file created by SDR) as backup.

SDV - VHF Contests.
    Post-contest logging option, with the OFFLINE
    command, was broken in V10.18.  Fixed.


The programs may be downloaded from www.ei5di.com

IMPORTANT:  Keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're
using now - as insurance!

The programs are all freeware. If you use them, please
join the sd-user mailing list at
This is the easiest way to get help from other users,
and to hear about updates and bug fixes.

As it's not long now to the next IOTA contest, please
try SDI and let me know if you see anything that
doesn't look right.

Paul EI5DI

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