[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth 2004 - Power levels/Sections etc..

Paul Brice-Stevens paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 18 14:32:03 EST 2004

Complete agreement with Mike and Daves comments...I have felt for a long 
time that all RSGB contests should have 3 power sections...400w 
(Ahem!)...100w and 5w (10w if you must)...just like CQWW and ARRL DX...a 
case could also be made for single elements (dipoles/verticals etc..) as 

A prime candidate for this would be AFS.(power part, not single element 
bit obviously).. as in 400w (coughs up sleeve in Eric Morecambe Arsenal 
manner)...100w and QRP...it would still allow you to have a listing of 
all competitors...then Clubs...then 400/100/5 watters...it would 
encourage people top compete against one another in the same power class 
as well as competing overall in the full listing.

I hear comments on this subject that it is getting a bit touchy-feely in 
regard to certificates for all, thus diluting the competition...however 
I disagree, what it does do is allow people to compete more effectively 
with one another...the AFS contests supports 200-300 entrants regularly 
I fail to see why there cannot be more classes added to the 
competition...it certainly wouldn't lessen the people entering and in 
fact may well increase it...witness the rise in QRP entries in ARRL 
competitions...according to them the fastest growing entry class.

This is not a rant to increase QRP everywere, run what you like its no 
skin off my nose (although life is not too short for QRP, you've just 
got to use your imagination)...if you wish to run your Acom 2000 (with a 
K2 exciter naturally) then carry on...but it would be good to have 
classes where we can compete at least at one level if in fact all the 
others are dependant on circumstances and the skills available....In AFS 
whether your 5w, 100w or 400w you are classed the same...shurely shome 

Can anyone comment on the uptake of the 10w section in the Club 
Championship Contests...good, bad or ?...Now think of all those M3's who 
have entered into a section designed to appeal to them lumped in with 
everyone else running 400w in AFS...

73 de Paul G0WAT

In message <405827DD.27797.DACFD4 at localhost>, Dave Sergeant 
<dsergeant at btinternet.com> writes
>On 17 Mar 2004 at 7:40, G3WPH wrote:
>> I have already seen one comment on the reflector that with a modest
>> station like mine you are only competing against yourself - a
>> sentiment I share. This does not have to be the case and consequently
>> this year I will be suggesting the inclusion of an additional
>> restricted section for modest stations - something like 100 watts and
>> single element antennas restricted in height to 15 metres.  I seem to
>> remember that the old RSGB 7MHz contest had such a section and the
>> RSGB 21/28 MHz contests still do.  I'm interested in the thoughts of
>> others on this reflector -a good idea or not?
>I was not going to bore you all with my entry of 40 QSOs and not a
>single VK/ZL in sight..... QRP entry, K2 at 5W into my 60ft long
>I repeat however the comment I put on my enty both last year and
>this, that there should be something more than just a difference
>between 12 and 24 hours operating between the open and restricted
>sections. Last year I did not keep tabs on the time and ended up in
>the open section, this year I made sure I kept as restricted.
>Operating QRP meant I spent more time trying to work people and I
>needed all the time I could get and yet I was competing with the
>400W/beam stations, something not quite fair!
>I would suggest the restricted section is indeed low power/restricted
>antennas similar to the NFD rules. Whether that is 10W or 100W or
>maybe a new Low Power section is for the committee to decide, but it
>may encourage more participation from the less well equipped stations
>(some of whom see this contest as 'boring').
>For what I did manage to work (including 5Z4DZ on 20m and very nearly
>also on 40m) I certainly enjoyed the weekend - but more as an
>opportunity to grab some new 2004 slots than a serious hope of
>73 Dave G3YMC
>dave at davesergeant.com
>UK-Contest mailing list
>UK-Contest at contesting.com

Paul Brice-Stevens

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