Smith, Colin R (UK Edinburgh) colin.r.smith at baesystems.com
Tue Nov 2 08:52:11 EST 2004

Stewart (GM4AFF) said...

>The CW operators who QRM'ed the SSB operators were breaking their licence conditions.
>The SSB operators operating below 7040 weren't. It's all to do with the spirit of the thing.

It would appear that "the spirit of the thing" is sadly lacking in some corners of DL land too
as GM5A suffered badly from deliberate QRM by not one but a group of DL SSB operators at the
weekend.  This was after we had been operating for a few hours (on the same frequency)
and they suddenly appeared - claiming that the frequency was in use!

...and before you ask, we were transmitting on approx 7.099 at the time - NOT in the
"CW segment" of the band!

Despite all the nonsense and the problems we encountered I think it is safe to say that
everyone enjoyed themselves and I'm sure that a summary of our score will appear here soon.

Finally, regarding a comment by Mike G3VAO who said...

"Can anyone explain to me how signals originating in the north of the Kingdom can be over
7KHz wide? <SNIP> SSB signals are (I believe) supposed to be around 3KHz (or less) wide
and the UK licence limits our power to 400watts.   Checking against other stations (some
closer some further away) showed that most of them were either less than 3Khz and
certainly less that 4KHz wide.  That seems to give my Rx a clean bill of health."

I'm glad to report that GM5A wasn't 7kHz wide, 'cos I asked Mike and he told me so!
Phew - I'm glad about that because there is enough to sort out for CQWW CW as it is!!

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and all at GM5A look forward to (hopefully) working you
during the CW leg.

Colin (GM0CLN)
(A member of the GM5A Multi-Multi team)

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