[UK-CONTEST] Grave Concerns

gi0kow robert at gi0kow.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Nov 4 19:09:31 EST 2004

Today Steve GW4BLE mistakenly made a post to this reflector in which he
has made some very distinct accusations regarding the GI1W operation
during last weekends CQWW ssb contest. I know it was a genuine mistake
by Steve and could indeed happen any of us but I feel as those
accusations are now in the public domain I must reply.

Firstly regarding the accusation that GI1W infringed  licence conditions
by appearing on 7103 an hour early. On the Friday prior to the contest I
rang the local Ofcom office in Belfast as I was unable to find any
licence change notices on the 'Amateur Radio Licensing Notices' web page
(There is a notification of proposed change but nothing definitive
stating an actual date and time of implementation-- there is still no
notice on that page as per this evening). The clarification given by the
Ofcom office was that the change took place at 1am 31 Oct, it never for
one minute crossed my mind that 1am actually meant 01:00 UTC as at that
time 1am local was 00:00 utc which would make more logical sense for
implementation of a licence change. 

As for Steve's delight that LY4A has moved category and questioning the
OE4A mult total, indeed hoping that CQWW committee take some action
strikes me as a curious attempt to have anyone who has made a bigger
score than Steve to either be disqualified or reclassified ! I know OE4A
has a big mult total indeed he has 87 more mults than GI1W but on the
reverse GI1W made 1209 more qsos than OE4A
I do not even know the op at OE4A but I have no reason to believe he was
cheating just because he made a big score.

Could I put it to you another way Steve, last weekend you scored almost
7 million points using  a tribander, a 2 ele 40m yagi and dipoles for 80
and 160, please correct me if I am wrong on any of that.
Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that GI1W using a 6/6 stack
on 10, 6/6 stack on 15, 4/4 stack on 20, single 2 ele @100ft on 40, a
four square on 80 and an inverted L on 160 coupled with the rarity of
the GI mult and relative rarity of the GI1 prefix could score over 10

One last thing regarding Steve hearing voices-- I presume this is an
accusation of multiple operators in a single operator category I can
assure you this is not the case, this is an old chestnut about multiple
operators doing single op from here that has been floated before, so
much so that a couple of well known contest faces arrived at this qth
halfway through a CQWW cw a few years back no doubt trying to get to the
bottom of the ' dubious shenanigans by the guys in GI'-- all they found
was NWG operating away SO2R and myself sitting in the living-room
watching television. I freely admit though that during most single op
SSB contests Andrew is here keeping an eye on things, making coffee,
doing repairs etc. and I do the same for him during CW indeed when
Sergei M0SDX operated here the same courtesy was given to him. Could I
perhaps suggest that any difference in voice characteristics heard on
the frequency of your second receiver recording of GI1W are down to DVP
recorded voice compared to a live voice or more likely a DVP recording
made early in the contest as opposed to a well worn voice later in the

In the future if you have any questions regarding operations from this
qth I would rather you would contact me directly and I'd gladly discuss
any questions or queries you may have.

Robert Cummings

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