[UK-CONTEST] GI1W claimed score ?

Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Nov 18 04:58:24 EST 2004

>>>> "Doug Roberts" <g0wmw at arrl.net> 17/11/2004 20:44:47 >>>
>| >
>| > Whatever happened to the fun of the chase, winkling out weak
>| > carefully tuning looking for something new to work.
>| >
>Andy, if that's what turns you on, you must be finding 10m single
>entries absolutely orgasmic at this stage of the solar cycle !?  :-)

Well at least I have the satisfaction of knowing I did all the work,
all 8 QSOs of them in wae rtty (not to mention the 10 qtcs) :-)

Hey - here's an idea, I should submit a single band entry I would
probably win the section, after all no-one else is going to submit a 28
meg single band entry?

(Come to think of it though during cqww ssb I decided to have a few
minutes fun running and had to go all the way up to 28680 to find a
clear freq, even got asked by someone to qsl because I was a new one on
the band)


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