FW: [UK-CONTEST] 2128MHz SSB Contest
Chris Burbanks
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 5 17:18:42 EDT 2004
Surely the answer to this is to work them and then let the checking software
count them as zero points. In these days of Cabrillo format, there is no
need to submit a claimed score, so non-scoring Qs aren't really a problem.
So you have a win-win situation, which is always the ideal outcome. That is,
we are being seen to be inclusive rather than exclusive, gives us the
opportunity to tell other UK stations what the contest is about and keeps us
working people rather than just CQing.
I intend to do this in the CW leg, assuming I am able to find time to enter
the contest. It is amazing just how busy you get when you take early
retirement! Chris G3SJJ
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim Balls
Sent: 05 October 2004 08:21
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2128MHz ssb contest
For the restricted section boy was it hard work, we could work nearly all
we could hear but the CQ calls were long and hard for a reply, We did work
JA in the morning with a bit of a gap lunchtime then the NA stations
started to dribble in, didn't get VE until it was dark!
I agree, I don't think we should allow UK stations it's hard enough for the
restricted stations to work the band and without the power / antennas UK is
virtually impossible unless they are on the doorstep, we did have 2 call in
both within 15 miles, had a quick chat then onto the long CQ's again!
Oh for the sunspot!
Not sure how we will fair in the coming years as the sunspot get's lower,
it may be just a contest for the Big Guns or the Base Station as I can't
see me setting up and sitting in a field for 12 hrs to work a handful of
stations, That rings back memories of the VHF/UHF Field Day and 70cms in
the low power section.. !
Still enjoyed it again this year with some nice DX making all worth while.
Here's the nitty gritty
X-SUMMARY: 15m 10m Total
X-SUMMARY: Valid QSOs: 144 9 153
X-SUMMARY: Total Mults: 47 6 53
X-SUMMARY: Total Points: 432 27 459
At 19:21 04/10/2004, you wrote:
>Dave, All,
>I agree with your observations on the bands totally. I was surprised how
>long a duration the JA opening was on Sunday. 10m was hopeless - we
>didn't continue right to the end - putting in rather a social effort than
>a serious one and wanting to clear up and get away before total darkness
>and torrential rain arrived. Hence we probably missed the later openings
>on 10m.
>We had a few G's call us but rather just quite newly licensees (or at
>least new to HF) and I tend to agree that they just don't bother to check
>the rules. Anyway I don't see it as a problem to quickly explain and give
>them a report anyway. I don't see that we need to change the rules to
>allow inter-G working. It's a DX contest mainly and nice to have some
>events with such an objective. I work the SP DX contest every year and I
>always get a few calls in the 24 hours from non-SP stations which I have
>to refuse for contest purposes. There are lots of examples of these
>types of contest when one country works the world. Why change ours to fit
>another category of all works all.
>What surprises me, given the low level of UK activity generally and the
>limited numbers of UK stations in particular, is that so many stations
>from around the world choose to look for us and take part. It must be
>quite a job to find new G stations to work after a short while.
>So my personal opinion FWIW is to maintain the status quo - leave as is -
>and continue to educate the uninitiated !!
>Jonathan G0DVJ
>part of the G4IRC/P team.
>On Oct 4, 2004, at 3:32 pm, Dave Sharred wrote:
>>I thought I should also share my views with those on the reflector!
>>post the scores separately, and later.
>>Conditions seemed strange; 10m didn't get going until much later; and then
>>(towards the end) we were able to work stations in Europe on backscatter;
>>and even a few W's with a very Skewed path (225 degrees !!!)
>>15 m was better on Saturday; it seemed then wide open to the States, but
>>again , took a while to develop. Worked a good number of JA's though in
>>I was surprised at the large number of G's that called, obviously unaware
>>the rules. We worked some at the start, and obviously they won't score .
>>However, I wondered what the strength of opinion was on this point -
>>we be able to work other G's, maybe at a lower points per QSO than
>>Should we just take the country multiplier then , for inter-G calls, or
>>the postal code info ???
>>I say this for a few reasons - I didn't like turning people away; it is
>>obvious that there are some of the casual ops that are unaware of the
>>but just partaking; and, with the decline of the sunspot cycle, might this
>>be a good idea to try to maintain some activity?? Inter-G QSO's are not
>>always the easiest of things to work, since propagation does not really
>>support this; but, at the start and end of the contest, it would be easier
>>for G's to work each other on a quiet band!
>>In my opinion, I would say yes - but at a lower points per QSO for
>>and we claim G mults, say 1 point !! Then, we are not overtly encouraging
>>inter-G QSO's.
>>Suggestion - if you have any opinions on this; feel free to post them
>>but put some comments on your "soapbox" comments that you submit with
>>Dave Sharred
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