[UK-CONTEST] Fw: Logs received so far for RSGB 21/28 Mhz SSB Test

Tom Wylie tom at gm4fdm.com
Tue Oct 5 15:25:44 EDT 2004

 These are the logs I have so far - if your log is not on the list I dont
 have it - please re-submit.   Each day I get about 100 spam and other crud
 e-mails.   My spam filter etc is overactive - sorry but there's  not much I
 can do about it.
 In your e-mail subject place ONLY YOUR CALLSIGN.

 If your log is on the list DO NOT RESUBMIT.

 73 de tom

 9A5KV,   A45WG,   EX2X,   G0MTN,   G0ORH,   G0TLA,   G0TSM,   0WXJ,
 G3NXT,   G3VQO,   G3XWH,   G3ZRJ,   G4DBW,   G4IRC/P,   G4NXG,   G6CSY,
 G6HOU,   GM4HQF,   JA1XPU,   LZ35ZF,   M0CNP,   M0DDT,   M0DHP,   M0LET,
 M3GUA,   M5ARC/P,   MU0FAL,   RA6AAW,   RA9MX,   RZ9OW,   SM6IQD,   SP9MXZ,

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