[UK-CONTEST] Info Request

RobertV mail2004 at mm0ant.co.uk
Sun Oct 24 07:31:18 EDT 2004

At 24/10/2004 10:35, Tom Wylie wrote:

>Probably a stupid question but how many COM ports is recognised by the CAT
>selector on the rear panel of the MP?

It's not the radio you need to worry about. There is on addressing sent down the serial lead
so the radio doesn't have a clue about what port it is on. The computer end will be limited by 
the software and PC system. Usually Coms 1-4 are OK, but in Windows (and running the right
software) you can use Coms 1-100+ easily. USB serial ports can usually be given coms of any
number you wish in Windows, however these usually don't work in DOS, and  DOS usually only
allows Coms 1-4.

Too many variables to easily answer your question, but I hope this helps?! :)


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