[UK-CONTEST] Wrong times in log

Chris Tran ZL1CT zl1ct at gm7v.com
Wed Sep 8 04:33:35 EDT 2004

Hi Jim

One easy way is to 'Import' your ADIF log-file into Writelog, then change
the times using WL. (By highlighting the mis-timed QSOs, clicking on the
first one and changing its time, then WL asks 'Apply the same time shift to
the selected QSOs?', and answering 'Yes')  You can then export as ADIF.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Martin - MM0BQI" <MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: "Uk-Contest at Contesting.Com" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 8:06 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Wrong times in log

> I have a contest log (original deleted) which is now in ADIF format and
> times are out by one hour.
> Does anyone know of a utility I can run to change the time by one hour for
> each QSO?
> I need this to upload the log to LOTW.
> Thanks
> Jim  MM0BQI
> PS I am looking to upgrade the DOS station log to either DX4WIN or
> I would appreciate any thoughts on these programs particularly how they
> handle multiple calls (MM0BQI, MM0BQI/P, 2A0BQI etc) and integrate them
> the same DXCC account on LOTW. Direct replies please as this is a wee bit
> off topic for the contest reflector.
> ---
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