[UK-CONTEST] Reminder: GB6MD

Simon Pearson m0clw at ftml.net
Fri Apr 22 14:11:33 EDT 2005

Hi folks,

Just a quick reminder that the International Marconi Day special event
station, GB6MD, will be on-air for 24 hours starting midnight UTC
tonight. The event will be aired from the G6PZ contest station with
activity on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m, both CW and SSB. 

The G6PZ station is located approximately 1km from Brean Down which is
where Marconi undertook experiments across water. More details about
Marconi and his experiments from Brean Down can be found by visiting the
following page: http://www.gb4imd.co.uk/brean_down.htm

We look forward to putting many UK contesters' calls in the GB6MD log!


Simon M0CLW / Paul G6PZ

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