[UK-CONTEST] Deregulation- thinking the unthinkable?

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 28 18:55:17 EDT 2005

5B4AGN wrote

<From what I've heard, I think RSGB administering licences would be about
best outcome we can hope for.>


I didn't say that in my original message, just fence sitting I guess.
However, I concur entirely. The problem is that RSGB seem intent on opposing
Ofcom at every juncture, and methinks that they ( Ofcom) are getting teed
off about that. After all who can blame them when a licence for life is
opposed? In my experience, there are situations where one must just
recognise force majeure, and as our American cousins so wisely opine " just
deal with it". I am certain that some sort of deregulation WILL occur
whether we like it or not, and we'd just better formulate a strategy to
minimise any adverse fall out. The words change or die once again spring
into my mind.

Anyone copying at RSGB?



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