Mike Farmer (G3VAO) G3VAO at HortonBC.Demon.co.uk
Wed Aug 31 07:55:57 EDT 2005

I have read with interest most of the many posts on the pros and cons of CT,
TR etc etc and N1MM. Somebody said that a Radio operator does not want to
use a mouse but a computer operator would - How about watching Air Traffic
controllers at work - real pressure,  talking to half a dozen aircraft,
remembering where they are in the big picture,  using a tracker ball device
to assist and operating on up to 3 freqencies. Are they Computer Operators
or Radio Operators. Leave you to think about that!

I suggest that a GOOD radio operator will use ANY tool available to improve
performance and that incudes a mouse. BTW if you are like me and do not like
chasing a mouse all over the table convert to a tracker ball.

It looks like a future version of N1MM will have and F11 wipe so, is this a
case of continued pressure getting what a few DOS program lovers want.
Personally I do not believe that N1MM NEEDS an F11 wipe there is a lovely
little button with "WIPE" on to press. For the guys who want the moderen and
inmensley better programme to be just like the DOS (Dated Old Standards)
programs it looks like you get icing on the cake!


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