Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Dec 7 05:21:26 EST 2005

>>> "Ray Goff" <ray at g4fon.co.uk> wrote on 07/12/2005 10:02:
> VLF Field Day 2005 
> A good performance by participants of the VLF Field Day 2005 helped
> exceed the points and QSO totals from last year's event . 
> It is clear that somehow our message is not getting through...

I don't know though?  We were very excited by this contest and plan to
put on our usual station with a stack of 8 X 16 element long yagis.  

However we're needing some input from the contest committee as we don't
know whether to give our locator as IO87 (for the reflector), IO86 where
the driven element is fed or IO84 where the last director is.  

Also can we have some assistance as we're getting a bit of hassle from
the CAA who don't like the fact that the top beam infringes class A


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