[UK-CONTEST] RSGB web site in general

James M0TJC jrh at m0tjc.org
Wed Dec 7 10:22:46 EST 2005

I'm seriously considering cancelling my membership of the RSGB.....

I have had one or reasons to call on their services in the last year or so, 
and at DRM and RM level the level of help has been excellent, but on 
escalation to the hallowed corridors of the "Potting Shed", things have 
stopped there, and gone no further.... much to my frustration, with all kinds 
of excuses (one being a blatant license terms abuse by 2 M3's (deliberate 
victimisation of a fellow amateur, profane/inappropriate language) - OFCOMedy 
didnt want to know, so I went to RSGB... only to be told that there wasnt 
enough to go on.... with only 4.5 hours of .wav files on CD that were solely 
of those 2 LIDS!!).

Add that to the general decline in RadCom, which seems to be the same old W&S 
and ML&S adverts, and VLF contests....

I find Practically Witless a better read these days.... and I have no love of 
valve equipment! hi hi.

I'm not knocking certain parts of the RSGB, they do a fantastic job in getting 
new blood into the hobby via various channels, and also they do a good job 
with the exams, which hopefully they will keep a hold of, and not let go to 
Profit/Botch merchants OFCOM.

But certain parts of the RSGB need a damned good kick up the backside.... and 
quickly, before members start to vote with their feet.... 

Sorry, rant over!

James - M0TJC (who's anti-depressants dont seem to be working!)

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