[UK-CONTEST] "Butter it's Not!"

Justin Snow hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk
Mon Jan 3 11:00:27 EST 2005

Having recently purchased a Butternut HF2V I was somewhat surprised to find
that the sachet of anti-seize/anti-oxide compound supplied for the joints
appears to be a copper based compound similar to the "Copper Ease"  stuff
that you can buy in automotive parts shops.

I thought the proper compound to use in these applications was the "Noalox"
type aluminium loaded grease which in my experience is quite hard to get on
this side of the Atlantic.

I am very aware of what the effects of putting copper in contact with
aluminium and putting them out in the British weather can be, so I hesitate
to use the supplied compound.

Has anyone else had any experience with this stuff?  Does anyone know of
suitable alternatives/sources of supply in the UK.

Justin G4TSH

Justin Snow  G4TSH

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