[UK-CONTEST] To import or not to import?

Satnipper satnipper at tesco.net
Thu Jan 13 13:29:51 EST 2005

There is no import duty on amateur radio transceivers but VAT at 17.5% plus
the carriers own collection fee will probably be charged. Carriage itself is
quite expensive but the savings are considerable on the rip-off pricing
charged in the UK.

Incidentally I was looking at the NCS NCS-3240 Multi-Switcher which is $300
in the States but NCS won't sell to anyone directly in the UK (Iraq or
Afghanistan is ok though....) They point you to ML who are charging £280 - a
mark-up of 76% on the US price which is indefensible even considering the
added VAT.

I have bought from AESHAM in the past who are reliable and have keen prices.



-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Andy Summers
Sent: 13 January 2005 11:07
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] To import or not to import?


Slightly off topic I suppose, but probably the best place to get opinions...

I'll be 40 in March and have decided to buy myself a present! I've set my
heart on a new TenTec Orion 565AT. I could buy this from TenTec Direct in
the UK for a list price of ?2,789 including VAT & delivery
<http://www.aoruk.com/tentec/price.htm>. Or I could attempt to import one
myself from the US, where it's listed as $3,599
<http://www.tentec.com/pricelis.htm>. At the current exchange rate of 1.89
that's ?1,904. Hell of a difference!

I presume I would be hit for import duty. I don't know what this is, but
I'll guess at 5%. Sods law applying, I would imagine that 17.5% VAT is due
on the total. I'll also guess at ?50 for carriage. The total becomes approx.
?2,400, so I'd be saving ?389. Not a huge amount in the scheme of things,
but still significant to me!

Does anyone have any pearls of wisdom regarding any of the above? I so, I'd
be grateful for the info.

Andy, G4KNO.

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