[UK-CONTEST] AFS thoughts

johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 14:44:30 EST 2005

* Some element of Sprint (i.e. move after ‘n’ QSO’s) ­ how do you
enforce this?

All use computer logging and change rules to ensure QSY at least 15Khz after
Make Actual QRG (Khz) part of the official entry and part of the log
checking software.
Penalty for misuse 10x QSO value for each error. Work split and you record
both Tx and Rx QRG.

No doubt this will bring screams that SO1R Yaesu'ites have a big advantage.
More so if they
run Writelog or N1MM with 2-Band maps.

That should help Chris.


John G3LZQ

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