[UK-CONTEST] (no subject)

John MacLean mm0ccc at v21.me.uk
Mon Jan 24 10:30:57 EST 2005

Stewart et all,

Following Simon M0CLW's posting, I had a quick look at Win-Test over the weekend with the specific reason of finding a suitable VHF logger to use for VHF NFD.  

It looked very promising, with a resizeable grid square map, networked frqs, and bandmap for each station.  Again though, like all other (Windows networkable) loggers I've looked at so far, there is no additional field for each QSO to insert 4m QTH details, and the only workaround I've seen for it is (as in WL) to do Alt-N (insert note) for each QSO - too risky for my liking.  It also didnt appear to warn of a dupe under the logging field, you therefore need to keep an eye on "check partial" instead.  

Apart from the above, it looks a very capable logger for VHF NFD, and IARU 50MHz, 144Mhz etc. 

caveat:  I've not checked scoring or mults yet.

If you do manage to find something which fits the bill I'd certainly like to hear of it!

John MM0CCC 

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Cooper, Stewart
Sent: 24 January 2005 13:37
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] Win-Test

I have used the DX-Net software by this author, and I can recommend it. His support is good too. He is an active contester himself. As for 'not being open source' 'missing the target'... whilst I like the notion of open source, in reality it is a support nightmare, and probably about 2 radio amateurs in the UK would have the skills or desire to start re-engineering their logging software. Besides, you yourself have said that a platform independent piece of software would be difficult to write, let alone support. I have long time looked for a logger that would support contests and allow a comments field (for 4m QTH, etc) and bandmap on VHF. I don't know if this one does, but I'll probably give it a try.

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