[UK-CONTEST] Keyboard delays - CC CW 15/6 (longish)

Cooper, Stewart coopers at odl.co.uk
Mon Jun 20 06:10:02 EDT 2005

I might be missing the point here, but I use a DX Doubler all the time, even when I am using a single radio. This keys the radio while the CW is being sent (from the keyboard), and drops out immediately that the phrase has been sent. This means that your receiver is back with you as soon as the CQ has been sent. No delay worth noticing. I find it very satisfying to respond very quickly to a caller replying to my CQ. It's not QSK, but I find it works for me.
As to responding to someone elses CQ in a S&P scenario, I always dwell a pause of perhaps 1 dash worth, to allow the receiver at the other end to recover so the start of my call is not missed. This can be significant when using GM4AFF as a lot of people reply to me as M4AFF or SM4AFF.


-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Peter Hobbs
Sent: 20 June 2005 10:11
To: UK Contest reflector
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Keyboard delays - CC CW 15/6 (longish)

> You should also factor in those using QSK in their rigs.

Quite right Dave; "break-in" having been a high priority since my earliest
days (originally feeding the receiver from a 6C4, hung off the PA anode via
an inch or two of coax) it never occurred to me that anyone might consider
anything else.  Both '56 and '59 editions of the ARRL handbook have a range
of solutions to the problem, so it's always been popular.

As you say, without QSK you can easily miss the start of an incoming call.
But that probably does explain what I saw, and also why continuing with the
"5NN" bit is probably here to stay . . .

Peter, G3LET

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