[UK-CONTEST] File Conversions

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Wed Mar 2 15:13:46 EST 2005

G3RIR wrote:

 >In fact is a claimed score actually required in contest entries these

It isn't required in the Cabrillo file. However, if you're using a 
logging program that handles the rules of the RSGB contest in question, 
then you may as well put it in. And for contests like AFS and 80m CC 
it's extremely easy to calculate a claimed score.

This may be a good opportunity to explain in some detail what is 
required for the 80m CC contests. Cabrillo is certainly taking hold: out 
of about 70 entries received so far for the 24th Feb CW contest, only 
two of them are not in Cabrillo format. That's an excellent response and 
helps us to get the logs processed and the results out quickly.

The content of the Cabrillo header fields is described on the HFCC web 
page at http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/information/cabrillo.shtml but 
there are only three header fields which are absolutely required by the 
processes that handle the 80m CC logs. These header fields are:-

Make sure the CALLSIGN: field is the same as the call sent field in each 
QSO: line and is also contained in the name of the file that you attach 
to your email entry.

CATEGORY: must either have the value QRP for powers up to 10w or LOW for 
powers up to 100w. If you don't ensure there is a CATEGORY: line in your 
Cabrillo header then we will assume you are in the LOW category, but it 
saves time and cuts down on manual processing if you make sure there is 
a CATEGORY: line containing either LOW or QRP.

CLUB: should be the name of the club. It helps if everyone gives the 
name of the club in the same format. This is used by the program which 
automatically collates individual entries into a club total. After this 
is done we do a visual scan and frequently have to go back and correct 
variations of spelling or format of club names. The program matches 
names up to the first 10 characters, and we have to do this to ensure 
for example that "Contest Cambria" and "Contest Cumbria" don't 
accidentally get merged.

At this point I'd like to thank publicly Tim, M0BEW who as well as 
checking the SSB events, adds the 80m CC results to the web site with 
great speed as soon as the checking is completed.

Dave G4BUO
RSGB HF Contests Committee

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