[UK-CONTEST] Attitudes to SSB and CW contesting

Paul Bigwood paul at kbcomms.demon.co.uk
Sat Mar 19 17:13:56 EST 2005

Interesting discussion:

I have always preferred CW and Data contests over SSB ones, not only because
of the lack of the increased skills needed for deciphering SSB dialects etc
as outlined by Ray G4FON earlier, but for a completely different reason.

My shack is in the house, and very relevant to me, is that operating CW and
Data mode contests, does not cause noise problems with other members of the
household. I can operate a CW contest with headphones and paddle keyer
without causing any extraneous noise that carries very far.

Operating SSB can cause problems as speaking at the normal level for a SSB
QSO does carry throughout the house, even with the shack door shut,
especially in  the wee hours when ambient noise levels are very low.

I can operate for hours on end in CW & Data modes, but 10 minutes of SSB and
others are complaining about the voice droning on and on calling "SeeQueue
Contest"  when they are trying to study/sleep etc.

I do genuinely prefer CW, having been a Sparks in the Merchant Navy in
another life, but in the interests of a quiet domestic life I tend to mostly
operate the CW and Data contests only.

Paul G3WYW

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