Contesting contesting at zetnet.co.uk
Sat Nov 19 17:48:27 EST 2005

Quoting from the message of Sat, 19 Nov 2005 22:19:19 +0000 from Andy
Chadwick <andy at g3ab.net> :

> I thought the decision was taken not to change the QSL bureau procedures for
> RSGB Members.  Maybe I missed something?

> Andy, G3AB

As far as I am aware......
This is something 'instigated' by the two so called QSL Gurus
I spoke to Jan Case about it and she mentioned figures of c1000 cards a
'hit' although she had not been told anything 'officially'
She did say however that it would probably NOT include the ARRL sections.

It is supposedly for the 'top ten' IARU Buros the addresses of which can
be obtained from HQ as can a rough idea of who the 'top ten' might be.

My query was that as the RSGB does not accept [supposedly] cards for
distribution from non-members - are DARC and ARI etc. going to ?

She did not know [but then nobody tells her anything]

It was also suggested [apparently by the same Guru's] that with each
batch of cards sent to HQ we should send proof of membership - like the
RadCom 'label' - however this was knocked on the head as it only allows
a maximum of 12 packets a year to be submitted.

73  Graham

Mangler for the M5's plus others


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