QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 14 06:23:03 EDT 2006

Hi fellow contesters,
  I am e-mailing round to remind you that June is creeping up on us again, and with it HF NFD on the first weekend (3rd/4th June this year). You are encouraged to register your intention to participate with the HFCC, and the closing date for this is 14 May. Although registration is not mandatory, stations who do not do so will not be eligible for awards.
  Information to be provided is as follows:
  * name of group
  * callsign to be used
  * section to be entered (Open / Restricted / Low Power)
  * National Grid Reference of site
  * suficient information to allow an inspector to gain access to the site
  * name and address of member responsible for entry.
  This should be forwarded to nfd.notify at rsgb.org.uk or by post to myself at 
  19 Grangecliffe Gardens
  SE25 6SY.
  Looking forward to hearing from you (and working you in June),
  Quin G3WRR
  NFD Adjudicator 

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