Mike Farmer (G3VAO) G3VAO at HortonBC.Demon.co.uk
Tue Apr 18 02:59:29 EDT 2006

After my msg to Colin I thought (again) about the responce it would draw:

1.  G3VAO should get an amp - Dave is right I have one but why should I be forced to use it?
2. If I were to use my amp (at 400w) would the playing field be any more level after all 800w is 3db more etc etc. 
3.  G3VAO wants a level playing field - who does not? I am wise enough to realise that such a field is impossible.
4.  Someone would say do not fiddle with the contest in the low sunspot years - I do not belive this is fiddling as it takes place each year and they are only suggestions.
5.  Somebody would make the assumption that the majority of entrants have verticals and/or dipoles - is there any evidence to support this?
6.  Someone would comment on low UK entry levels - perhaps the rules for the restricted section puts people off
7.  Can anyone on the group tell me about ANY other contest run buy a National Society with such sections?
8.  I look at the rules for contest and then decide which section to enter - The RSGB 21-28MHz is on my list as one to enter but lacks a suitable Section so I guess I will not be taking part. Pity really cos apart from the QSL buro I believe the RSGB has very little going for it (but that is a different discussion!)

73 de Mike

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