G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 19 17:47:11 EDT 2006

Any thoughts on this one. I have recently had some repairs done to my 
MP, all behind the front panel which is why I didn't do them myself. I 
have found a change when selecting Sub Tx and I am not sure if it is an 
induced fault or a Menu reset which I haven't realised yet.

To go to Split or SO2V, I hit Dual which enables the sub Rx. To put the 
tx on to Sub VFO, I used to hit the Sub VFO Tx button, but that doesn't 
work now. I have to either hit Main VFO Tx button or hit Split button. 
Not really a problem as long as I remember in the heat of AFS or whatever!

I have looked at the Menu options but can't identify anything that might 
alter it. I am thinking that this is an induced problem?

Chris G3SJJ

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