[UK-CONTEST] Merging of HF and VHF Contest Committees

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 17:05:10 EST 2006

Last weekend I was given a mandate by the RSGB Board to merge the HF and VHF
Contest Committees. This is the culmination of some work that was started a
couple of years ago by Ed Taylor G3SQX. For a number of reasons the time is
now right, not least because both Justin G4TSH and Andy G4PIQ (the current
chairmen) were anxious to step aside for work and family reasons.

I believe there are strong arguments for this move, though I know some will
disagree. While there are differences between HF and VHF contesting, there
are also many areas of common interest, whether it's fighting for space in
RadCom, defending ourselves against the anti-contest factions, or whatever.
There are also a number of tasks which could probably be done more
efficiently if they are centralised. This might include certificate
printing, calendar co-ordination, sponsorship matters (for trophies, etc.),
web pages, and stuff we don't currently do like keeping an archive of
results, records, photos, soapbox, etc. There is also a major amount of work
to be done on the software side and I hope we can pool the limited resources
we have available.  Many contesters take part in both VHF and HF events, and
this very reflector is a common reseource for both communities.

The hope is to bring about this merger over a 6-12 month transition period,
during which I will act as interim Chairman. As we move towards the end of
that transition period, it will be necessary to find a chairman for the
longer term which, according to the Society's Mem and Arts, requires the
post to be advertised in RadCom and a proper selection process (including
interviews). I hope that some on here might be interested in the job!

I look forward to the support of the UK contest community over this period.
While this mainly affects RSGB members, I recognise that the community is
wider than that, especially where the international events (such as the
Commonwealth Contest and IOTA) are concerned.

I do not intend to use this reflector for correspondence on Contest
Committee matters, it is not the appropriate forum. It can sometimes appear
to be dominated by just a few strong personalities and not necessarily be
representative of the silent majority. But I will certainly watch any
debates with interest! I hope you all know how to contact me if you have
concerns (don at g3xtt.com is as good as anything, but I am happy to give any
of you my phone number if you want to chat).

Don Field G3XTT
(currently co-opted to the RSGB BOard as member for Sport Radio)

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