[UK-CONTEST] [-SPAM-] Merging of HF and VHF Contest Committees

Roger Gregory rogerg4oco at rogerg4oco.plus.com
Sun Dec 3 04:00:00 EST 2006

Don and others on this reflector

Well done RSGB, about time too as one committee push for contesting (sports 
radio) makes a lot of sense, with the strenghts of both committees combined, 
the U. K. radio contester is in a win win situation.


Roger G4OCO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Field" <don.field at gmail.com>
To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 10:05 PM
Subject: [-SPAM-] [UK-CONTEST] Merging of HF and VHF Contest Committees

> Last weekend I was given a mandate by the RSGB Board to merge the HF and 
> Contest Committees. This is the culmination of some work that was started 
> a
> couple of years ago by Ed Taylor G3SQX. For a number of reasons the time 
> is
> now right, not least because both Justin G4TSH and Andy G4PIQ (the current
> chairmen) were anxious to step aside for work and family reasons.
> I believe there are strong arguments for this move, though I know some 
> will
> disagree. While there are differences between HF and VHF contesting, there
> are also many areas of common interest, whether it's fighting for space in
> RadCom, defending ourselves against the anti-contest factions, or 
> whatever.
> There are also a number of tasks which could probably be done more
> efficiently if they are centralised. This might include certificate
> printing, calendar co-ordination, sponsorship matters (for trophies, 
> etc.),
> web pages, and stuff we don't currently do like keeping an archive of
> results, records, photos, soapbox, etc. There is also a major amount of 
> work
> to be done on the software side and I hope we can pool the limited 
> resources
> we have available.  Many contesters take part in both VHF and HF events, 
> and
> this very reflector is a common reseource for both communities.
> The hope is to bring about this merger over a 6-12 month transition 
> period,
> during which I will act as interim Chairman. As we move towards the end of
> that transition period, it will be necessary to find a chairman for the
> longer term which, according to the Society's Mem and Arts, requires the
> post to be advertised in RadCom and a proper selection process (including
> interviews). I hope that some on here might be interested in the job!
> I look forward to the support of the UK contest community over this 
> period.
> While this mainly affects RSGB members, I recognise that the community is
> wider than that, especially where the international events (such as the
> Commonwealth Contest and IOTA) are concerned.
> I do not intend to use this reflector for correspondence on Contest
> Committee matters, it is not the appropriate forum. It can sometimes 
> appear
> to be dominated by just a few strong personalities and not necessarily be
> representative of the silent majority. But I will certainly watch any
> debates with interest! I hope you all know how to contact me if you have
> concerns (don at g3xtt.com is as good as anything, but I am happy to give any
> of you my phone number if you want to chat).
> Don Field G3XTT
> (currently co-opted to the RSGB BOard as member for Sport Radio)
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