Michael Ruttenberg G7TWC g7twc at rutty.eclipse.co.uk
Tue Dec 5 14:53:57 EST 2006

With my super-modest station I slung my 8m of wire out the window. (i.e. no
trees due to council giving me the hairdryer treatment twice previously).
The antenna is on the east side of the building so Europe isn't an issue, I
am pretty much screened to the west unless I pack it all up and put the wire
out on the front of the building which faces west.

< 50W is all I can away with due to tetchy ATU so stuck with QRP.

With CWGet (remember I'm not a CW op) and N1MM SO2R mode I could happily get
away with a bunch of QSOs quite happily. Better to get on the band than not
at all IMHO.

Best DX was 9Y4AA and NY3A. Okay USA isn't DX but considering I was screened
to the west I was happy with that. Heard the Mauritius DXpedition but wasn't
going to crack any pileups.

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
           7      25      30   18    5
          14      57      65   28    7
       Total      82      95   46   12

           Score : 5,510

Rig: FT1k
ATU: MFJ 948
Ant: Wet string

I think I did about 3 hours over the 2 days whilst pottering about on the

Also pleased that I managed to get the wire to tune up on 40m, which is a
1st. Usually does 20m right away, so call it a learning curve.


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