[UK-CONTEST] SDV and REG1Test Logs - Volunteer Needed!
g0gjv at goodey.org.uk
Mon Dec 18 15:48:32 EST 2006
In article <002c01c72280$8f574d10$0201a8c0 at paul>, Paul O'Kane wrote:
> As UK VHF contesters know, it is a requirement for IARU
> Region 1 VHF contests that logs be presented in REG1Test
> format.
> I'm not in a position to add this to SDV. However,
> I believe it's something that could be offered as an
> "add-on" by anyone with the means and inclination.
> All that's needed is a conversion program from SDV's
> RSGB log format to the REG1Test format - including
> i/o question and answer routines for any additional
> "Summary Sheet" information.
> Any volunteers?
This capability already exists in my Win32 contest logger "Minos".
Even if you don't want to use the logger itself (if you prefer SDV,
please keep using it!), it will import .log files and export Reg1test
Mike G0GJV
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