johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 23 17:28:02 EST 2006

Well that must be some sort of record for me SSB/DATA and now CW never mind
getting the younger ones active it has done it for me..Not sure what the S9+
carrier was plonked on top of me on 3543.84 but the notch worked well so
carried on. Had intended lowering the dipole but wx past few days made that
an impossible task.

Finished on 104 with 1-dupe which as he insisted might have been busted at
far end first time around. Some real Auroral Flutter on deep Southern
stations during the last 45-minutes but not the disaster I kinda thought it
might be as when I first listened S9+++ Continentals and watery UK.

Only had one who sent my call and not his own, sorry if hand cw was strange
at times microkeyer driven by paddle goes beserk once in a while if you try
and tack something on the end of a canned exchange..eventually decided not
to do it and stick to preset N1MM safer..

Enjoyed the 90-mins and seemed to be plenty of steady activity.


John G3LZQ

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