John Muzyka g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 7 10:17:50 EST 2006

Hi All again,
  Tnx for some of those tips, after John sent me that file refering to PKCS#12 files I knew I had seen them somewhere when I had been searching around the programme.
  Anyway I have found out how to do it and its easy (once you have figured it out)
  For those who want to know.
  Download the LOTW software onto your 2nd pc
  Go into your existing LOTW Certificates on the doner pc click once on the certificate you want tocopy over.(to highlight it in blue)
  Go to the tool bar and choose "Certificate"
  The drop dowm menu comes and choose SAVE
  It gives you the option to save it to? select a place to store them in (which is easy to remember) I put them on my memory stick then its easy to transfer them
  Put the memory stick into the doner pc, now open tQSL certificates on the doner pc,
  Go to File
  Go to Load Certificate File
  Accept the one that is already ticked and press next
  It will then give you the "Select Certificate File" screen that you want to transfer as a PKCS#12 file
  Highlight it and it puts it into the blank box, press open,
  It then brings up the password box ignore this UNLESS you have password protected the file, if it is not password protected then next it brings up yet another password screen to seen iof you want to protect it?, just skip ok it and then thats it it press finish and it puts it into the tQSL Cetificate box for you 
  Easy as pie (after the first one anyway)
  John G4RCG

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