Douglas Maxwell douglas.maxwell at virgin.net
Sun Jan 8 14:15:20 EST 2006

Hi all,
    I also used 100w and a doublet into KW109 balanced tuner. The antenna
was 20ft up at either end and 30ft at the centre. I used car head light
bulbs on the output of the tuner during installation of the antenna to
assure the antenna was balanced. Had a quick QSO with Gerry on 3.51 just
before the contest the did S&P for the first 2 hrs then ran on 3.541 for the
back 2 hrs. Unfortunately the score would have been higher is it wasn't for
a high scoring G0 (call withheld to save his blushes, but you know who you
are) station who then sat on me for the last hour despite me asking him to
QSY. I had to run cascaded 250Hz filters to attenuate his signal enough to
work a YL2 station and missed a few off tune stations as a result of having
to switch back and forward. I think narrow filters are becoming more
prevalent in recent times and some stations forget to call QRL with them out
before proceeding, I think 500Hz is the minimum when calling QRL. Any views
on this? I ask the question as more transceivers are now able to cut
bandwidth down with the aid of DSP and if there is no convention every
frequency will appear clear to the inexperienced. Anyway worked G, GW, GD,
EI, DL, YL and IO and finished with a total of 168 (which I'm pleased with
despite having the extra suffix letter handicap ;-)).

Brilliant contest!



----- Original Message ----- 
From: <g4fka at aol.com>
To: <gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk>; <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] AFS CW

> Hi Gerry et al. For comparison I also used 100w and a doublet, a half wave
> inverted V with the top at about 10m up a tree but both ends very close to
> ground.
> My total was 166. Poor old ICOM 706 front end doesnt't like all that RF or
> maybe I'd have got a few more.
> Tnx for the QSOs and nice to participate in my very first CW AFS!
> Geoff G4FKA
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