G3WVG g3wvg at lycos.co.uk
Sun Jan 15 11:04:38 EST 2006

G0AAA .. Three A's contest group.

312 QSOs  128/100/56/28

Quite an eventful contest for me. Before the contest I thought I'd nip out
into the garden and tighten up one end of my droopy 80M dipole.  I wish I
hadn't because at 1426Z it  snapped! The SWR meter hit the end stop. After a
minute or so I realised what had happened, dashed outside and with a some
string , managed to bodge a quick repair.   My dipole was now a lopsided
inverted vee, lower than before, unfortunately, but at least it worked.  In
all I only lost 8 mins and of course lost "my" run frequency.  Fortuitously
it was to my fellow club member G3TXF who went on to make excellent use of

Highlights.. Worked my first ever 2M and 2I stations. 

Lowlights .. can't think of any.(except the antenna falling down!)

73 Ian G3WVG

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