Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Mon Jul 3 17:05:15 EDT 2006

Having missed the last two months, I was expecting dire summer evening conditions, but escaped early from (yet another) family BBQ.  Generally not so bad at all though, in fact I thought I was doing rather well until the keyer batteries decided to die (probably after a couple of years).  As I could just about handle my own callsign on the ancient Vibroplex, CQ it had to be from then on.  Thanks to Don and others who called a maniac desperately trying to re-acquire semi-auto technique in real time after 45+ years of elbugging.

Ended on 111, including a watery YL and SP in the last half hour.  Thanks also to PA0LOU and PA0FAW who support these events month after month - always appreciated.

Peter G3LET.

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