Dave Lawley
g4buo at compuserve.com
Mon Jul 3 18:00:49 EDT 2006
To all UK contesters
The IARU Radiosport contest is less than five days away now, and the
GB5HQ team has been working very hard to be ready to compete against the
major HQ stations. We need the help of as many contesters as possible to
come on and work us, phone on CW, on all six bands topband to 10m. The
contest period is 1200z Saturday to 1200z Sunday and full rules are at
WRTC-2006 takes place at the same time in Brazil so there will also be
lots of 4-letter PR and PQ calls active. See www.wrtc2006.com
Contrary to what was suggested on here a while ago we are not saying
"come on a work us but no-one else". We want you to come on and enjoy
the contest, and make as many QSOs as possible but if you work our main
competitors (DA0HQ, SN0HQ, R9HQ, TM0HQ) on more bands than you work
GB5HQ, then you'll be helping them more than you'll be helping us.
Because of skip, there will be times when other HQ stations are louder
than ours, at least on the HF bands, but our 80m station should be a
'beacon' around most of the country so if you call them, they'll be able
to give your our working frequencies on the other band/mode slots. All
the stations will be interconnected over the Internet using Starlog
software by G3WGV.
For info, here are the main locations of our stations around the country
though we do have the ability to swap roles to some extent, and we have
a backup station located in Anglesey who may take over if any of the
main stations has a problem.
10m SSB Suffolk
10m CW Yorkshire
15m SSB Somerset
15m CW Kent
20m SSB Suffolk
20m CW Devon
40m SSB Stirling
40m CW Cornwall
80m SSB Buckinghamshire
80m CW Yorkshire
160m SSB Stirling
160m CW Guernsey
DA0HQ get a phenomenal level of support from German hams, and this is a
large factor in their success in this contest. We have a chance of
winning this contest for the UK, but to do it we need your support, so
please work GB5HQ on as many band/mode combinations as possible, and
encourage all your club members to do the same. Awards are available
for working us on three or more slots, see www.gb5hq.com for more
details and for pictures of the stations which comprise the RSGB HQ
entry in the IARU contest.
Many thanks,
Dave Lawley G4BUO
On behalf of the RSGB HQ station GB5HQ
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