[UK-CONTEST] Draft of New Licence - various questions

Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Sat Jul 8 07:02:10 EDT 2006


In actual fact the questions you ask are not concerned with the format 
or content of the BR68 (Of178) which is the document that tells you what 
you are permitted to do as a licensee.   What you are asking are matters 
of an administrative nature which probably come within the scope of the 
project being handled by Cap Gemini.   They are tasked with amalgamating 
around 55 different Ofcom Databases into one common system in time for 
the licence reform on October 1st.   Whether this will happen remains to 
be seen and I note from paragraph 1.6 of the Introduction that Ofcom are 
now hedging their bets!

Short calls/special calls are 'variations' of a Full licence and are 
handled by means of an NoV.   Information on these are/will be available 
by means of Ofcom Information Sheets.

Let's get the fundamentals sorted first then let Ofcom worry about the 


Colin, G3PSM

Michael Ruttenberg G7TWC wrote:

>Got various questions about this draft document.
>How do Ofcom plan on handling a person handling more than 1 callsign? e.g.
>M3 and G7, and possibly a club station callsign and a club station short
>callsign. That's 4 callsigns assigned to a single login. Sounds like a
>possible recipe for error.
>How will Ofcom handle the reassignment of a designated user for a club
>callsign to a different user? What process will be required to do this,
>given that currently you can fill in the slip and send it back changing your
>details. Personally I have not held a club callsign but if I did and I
>wanted to reassign it to another club member who takes over the secretarial
>position, how would I go about this on the new system? It's not just a
>change of address, it's a change of name too.
>Does the new draft need to/should it contain mention of short calls/special
>calls, and who to contact for authorisation of this? I don't recall these
>being in BR68.
>What happens if a callsign is currently lapsed and after 1st October 06 the
>user wants to renew it? What is the process for getting it renewed? I am
>guessing you'd need to send in the old paperwork but are Ofcom going to
>continue to deal with old paper licences ongoing (for years in some cases)
>in order to migrate them to the new system. It may be that if Ofcom only
>migrate current up-to-date licences then older, expired licences would get
>left behind. Hopefully that isn't the case, but the question should be
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