G3SVL Chris at G3SVL.com
Mon Jul 10 04:43:38 EDT 2006

At 00:18 10/07/2006, Peter Hobbs wrote:
>"..... at work, we invariably debrief the customer after a big 
>tender has gone in and pass their comments on the bid to our 
>proposal team in short order, with a view to identifying 
>opportunities for improvement...... I was one of GB5HQ's customers ..."

Your analogy is unsound on this occasion, Peter.  In your example 
there are a few suppliers and one customer. In that situation the 
customer's views are 'gospel'. GB5HQ is more like Marks & Spencer 
with literally thousands of customers, each with their own 
experience. So while your comments are valid for you, they may or may 
not represent the global or general picture - but they are welcome 
nonetheless. However, I suspect when you debrief your losing team you 
do it in a manner that is critical but encouraging and any personal 
criticisms are not conducted in public.

Dave, BUO,  always collects the 'wish lists' and gripes from those 
who are on the team and those 'customers' who give feedback - and we 
discuss and improve each year. So I do hope you are one of the ones 
who gives feedback to Dave to help us improve. Until then, every 
input is a single reference point - and as Conan Doyle so 
perceptively put it "It is a criminal offence to theorise without data" !

73  Chris  G3SVL

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