Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Jul 19 21:18:05 EDT 2006

> If inter-UK was accepted then It would work for me as well.
>> Mike VP8NO
I was toying with the idea that "internal" QSOs on 10 and possibly 15m might 
be worthy of consideration, which would make something to do in the small 
hours.  However what everyone needs most is maximum participation from the 
Commonwealth.  Anything that affects the bias that currently exists in their 
favour would drastically reduce the incentive to *travel to win* (how about 
it, Chris?!) that is currently such a valued feature of BERU.  Other 
Commonwealth participants would also find themselves further down the 
listings, for no fault of their own.
Anyway, the possibility of an outright UK win *has* existed from time to
 time, usually near sunspot min.  2007 should be another opportunity for us
 in the UK to do well.

 73, Peter G3LET 

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