G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Jul 21 04:11:24 EDT 2006

Coincidentally I thought overnight about putting something out on this 
year's activities. For various reasons, not least because I wanted to 
spend the money on  trip to states covering Dayton and the FOC Dinner in 
D.C..  As initially GU6D, GU7D and finally staying with GU8D, we have 
been to Sark for 4 years then Guernsey for the last 6, so after 10 years 
we decided not to do the trip this year. It has really been great. As 
Don XTT mentioned, I like to believe we helped to re-generate activity 
on the island and in the process made a number of friends, so much so 
that we still have a GU8D Yahoo Group with GU4EON, GU4CHY, GU4WTN, 
GU4YOX and GU0SUP as members. I feel honoured about that and would like 
to thank them all for their contributions and hospitality.

 From the early days, QSLs have been handled by John G3LZQ, who has 
funded and dealt with all incoming and outgoing cards. Thank you John.

This time we are doing it from my QTH, in fact in the new summerhouse! 
Since most of the stuff we took to GU is mine it will be a similar setup 
to GU8D. We will have 2 FT1kMP, 3 amps, WX0B Sixpak to enable antennas 
to be shared by Run and Mult, A4S, 2 el phased gp array for 40m, 80m gp 
and a doublet at 60ft. If all that gets up and running we may have time 
to erect the 4 el 10m mono but I suspect not.

Just three ops this time, G4DRS, G4IIY and myself. We can all handle 
150+ an hour on both modes, plus do our share of mult huntiing and moving.

Not looking for a high position but would like to maintain our top ten 
placing achieved over the 10 years.

Chris G3SJJ

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