Douglas Maxwell douglas.maxwell at virgin.net
Thu Jun 15 16:15:06 EDT 2006

I seem to have missed all the discussion about GB5HQ again! The RSGB
certainly is very quiet about the whole selection process thing. I noticed
one or two comments on the reflector recently and one off hand comment in
the RADCOM (I think) which confirmed that the selection process was done and
dusted. A quick look at http://www.gb5hq.com/2006/2006-Ops-List.html
confirmed it (I had to Google GB5HQ to find this). As a member of the RSGB
and a keen contester I am disappointed in this practice. Why don't we market
contesting by inviting participation within the RSGB? Why is there no call
for operators in the Radcom? Why are we not kept informed as stations are
being selected? After all, the chosen operators will represent our society
on an international basis, is this not quite important! This is the second
year running that I am aware of that this opportunity has been squandered.
There are few opportunities to advertise contesting to the majority of the
RSGB membership, and I can't think of a better one than this. Are we worried
that an "outsider" may want to represent the society and lose us some
points? Is this important in the long term?
My worry is that with the majority of RSGB members excluded from the whole
process and unaware that such an event is happening till they're asked to
work the station, that they may not make the effort. Imagine if you will
another international event, the world cup, where the only advert for it is
one announcement made just before the competition that "a team has been
chosen to represent our country and you should support it" and then after
it's all over you get some info on who was playing and who scored. In
summary I think that the RSGB are it's own worst enemies in ensuring a big
turnout of RSGB members for the contest.
I will be listening out for our stations (now that I have found out who they
are) even although I feel rather excluded from the whole thing....again.

Douglas Maxwell

P.S. Yes this is an advert and hopefully it will stimulate some interest.

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