[UK-CONTEST] RDXC Russian Contest 18/19th March

johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 1 16:58:43 EST 2006

Hello All
The above contest grows each year and you can operate Mixed,SSB,or CW with
all the usual options plus a Multi-2 this year is new..

They have an excellent web site and even their own software for the contest
handy for the various region mults and a callsign database of previous
entrants and participants. Part of the software suite is a "Contest trainer"
which mimics TR CT so you can sit and practice the contest before hand.
Another bonus is that if you are collecting cards for the Russian Districts
Award Program valid QSO's in the contest count towards the awards and if you
complete 100-different districts in the contest and they enter their logs
you can claim the award. Lots of Russian activity on all bands in this one.

Rules etc etc etc.    www.rdxc.org

The site is worth visiting just to browse the past history.


John G3LZQ

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