[UK-CONTEST] CQ Mag overseas distribution

Graeme Caselton gcaselton at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 01:35:18 EST 2006

I assume then that the missing issues [in my case Oct/Nov/Dec 2005
and Jan/Feb/Mar 2006, and I expect Apr as well!] are lost forever....

> Your subscription term is being extended to fully compensate you
> for any 
> issues you've missed. We are in the process of updating the
> subscriber
> records 
> and the change in your expiration date will appear on your May
> issue
> mailing 
> label. 
> Here's how to decipher your label information.
> ID         Your Account #     Expiration
> 01          0023454678                2801          
>             John Doe
>             25 Newbridge Road
>             Hicksville, NY 11801-2345
> First two digits = magazine ID (01= CQ; 02=Popular Communications) 
> Next Nine digits = your account number
> Next Four digits= your subscription expiration date (the first two
> digits 
> represent the year, the second two digits represent - the month) 
> Our example shows 2801 - 28 = 2008, 01= January

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