[UK-CONTEST] Contest Periods

Bob Beebe gu4yox at cwgsy.net
Fri Mar 17 08:00:06 EST 2006

Phil Cooper said : 

The contest finishes at 2130, ie it is PAST the end at 21:30:01, so you have to log that last one at 2129, even if it is at 21.29 and 61 seconds! 
As for the start, you can start at 20:00:00 and not a second before! 

Interesting this one. The way I view this is according to the rules in CQ 160M this year the contest period was 0000z to 23.59z Therefore, I would log all calls that were in this period. so if I logged a call at 23.59 and 55s this would be ok as it was in the 23.59 period, (just as a qso at 00.00.10 is in the first minute). The log also says 23.59z However, interestingly, CQWW 2005 rules stated that the contest period is 2400z to 2400z So I would log up to 24.00.59 as my log would state 24.00z for the last QSO. A distinct difference here of 1 minute in my reckoning. I wonder what the official view is. The 23.59z rule seems to be more correct but I suppose it depends on wether the times are inclusive or cut offs? 



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