[UK-CONTEST] OT - Ofcom licensing .

Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Fri Mar 24 15:23:03 EST 2006


The situation as of 23rd February (our last meeting with Ofcom) was this -

brian coyne wrote:

>My lic due to renew in June, I presume it will be done as now, I pay the £15 or so and get another paper licence to May 07.
Normal reminders will continue to be sent up to 6 weeks before October 
1st.   This is the normal reminder period and licences will be issued by 
the Radio Licensing Centre up to and including September 30th.

>Do I need do anything in Oct? How will Ofcom know how and where to contact people electronically? If they have to write to us first bang goes their cost savings.
Existing licence holders will be grandfathered onto the new system from 
October 1st and should not need to do anything for the next 5 years 
unless your circumstances change. i.e. change of address or you decide 
to give your licence up.

>Will it be a £15 first time payment then nothing for 5 years when we affirm, or would they want 5 x £15, or do we never need pay anything again?
The question of fees is to be dealt with in an upcoming "Fees Order 
Consultation" which is mandated by the Treasury.   The level of fees, if 
any, will be decided before October.

Please bear in mind this was the situation a month ago and there has not 
been any official notification of any changes since then.

Hope that helps.

Colin, G3PSM

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